Thursday, March 31, 2011

Same Sex-marriage and DOMA

I do not aree with DOMA i think that marriage should be between a man and a woman. If decides they want to be gay thats there decision they can be gay with out geting married.I dont think that oher states should stoop down to DOMA's level when they dont agree with same sex marriage. I think that whats wrong ,people fail to stand up for whats right marriage issuppose to be natural. there is nothing natural about to people the same sex being togather.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anti - Abortion Billboard

I found noting wrong with the billboard that targeted african americans for having the most abortions because i feel it could help people with there desision about abortion.However the way they presented the billbored was the problem "The most dangerous place for an african american is in the womd." I feel like this was affencive to black people.It sounds like they are sayin african americans should not have kids. They should have found another way to prsuade african americans not to get an abortion.