Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cultral Diversity in my neighbor hood

 I live in HutchinsTexas and its normaly quiet compared to Dallas nighbor hoods .I dont think my nighbor hood is enthocentric nobody realy cares about what other people chose to do thats not any bodys buisness.if people from other countries moved to my nighbor hood the best way to ease cutral differences is to meet them and, exsplain each others belifes and respect each others diffrences.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

About me :)

Hello!! my name is Anita Kennedy I am A Junior at A.Maceo Smith High School. I plan on attending texas A&M majoring in pyhcology. I am interested in fashion,music, and fitness. I am also a active member at my church I sing with the youth praise team and chior.